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http://www.eldia.com/…/reiki-ahora-dicen-que-ayudaria-a-pal… My note,my reportage, in the newspaper the day of silver. - Mi nota , este es el reportaje que me hicieron tema ; " Reiki. " diario " El Día de La Plata " . Spanish English. ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES...

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Esta soy Yo en el día de hoy ,en mi programa de radio , hace 2 horas. This is me in the day, on my program radio, two hours ago.

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- Esta de espalda,soy Yo.y colaboré en la cocina. - I'm giving my back. - That I'm back.and I worked in the kitchen. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/…

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https://www.facebook.com/ruth.mosqueda.7 https://twitter.com/RuthMosqueda2 Skype : ruth.mosqueda2

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Spanish English. http://masajesruth.over-blog.com/ This is what happens when you put an ice cube here Can you imagine that a single ice cube can make you look younger and boost your energy? Besides this, the ice cubes can be used to balance certain disorders....

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