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- ♥ English - Spanish. ♥ Report to Professor Ruth Mosqueda. ♥ for the magazine, "weekly" ♥ - June 24, 2014. - - Theme: Manual Lymphatic Drainage. pages ....: 48 and 49. - ♥ Lymphatic drainage is an ally for the beauty and health! although this technique,...

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- ♥ English - Spanish. ♥ Report to Professor Ruth Mosqueda. ♥ for the magazine, "weekly" ♥ - June 24, 2014. - - Theme: Manual Lymphatic Drainage. pages ....: 48 and 49. http://masajesruth.over-blog.com/ - ♥ Lymphatic drainage is an ally for the beauty...

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- ♥ English Spanish. ♥ - ♥ Invito a todos a mimarse a regalarse, y recibir unos Masajes Energéticos de Sanación! ♥ de las manos de la profesora Ruth Mosqueda. ♥ excelencia profesional, con mayúscula. ♥ usted va a sentir la energía que fluye de las manos,...

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- Piso 2º - ♥ I invite everyone to treat themselves to pampering, and receive a Healing Energy Massage. hands of Professor Ruth Mosqueda. ♥ excellence with a professional, capitalized. and will feel the energy flowing from your hands, it burns your skin....

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1 ) https://www.facebook.com/ruth.mosqueda This is one of my F.B. Este es uno de mis F.B 2 ) https://www.facebook.com/ruth.mosqueda.7 This is ,This is another one of my F.B. Este es uno , otro de mis F.B.

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My Notes for the magazine, good ideas. Pages: 45, Section : Health . - On Energy Healing Massage . Mis Notas , para la revista , Buenas Ideas. páginas : 45, en la seccion : Salud. - Sobre los Masajes Energéticos de Sanacion.

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My Notes for the magazine, good ideas. Pages: 45, Section : Health . - On Energy Healing Massage . Mis Notas , para la revista , Buenas Ideas. páginas : 45, en la seccion : Salud. - Sobre los Masajes Energéticos de Sanacion.

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http://www.diariorumbosur.com.ar/secciones/salud-y-bienestar/todo-sobre-el-drenaje-linfatico/ - ♥ Spanish , English . I translated a bit to you my brothers and sisters. - ♥ My Note .Manual Lymphatic Drainage on . Everything about the lymphatic drainageTuesday,...

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Spanish , English . I translated a bit to you my brothers and sisters. - ♥ Mi Nota . sobre el Drenaje Linfático Manual. Dia a dia.com.ar Tu belleza En qué consiste y para qué sirve el drenaje linfático En qué consiste y para qué sirve el drenaje linfático...

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